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Finding Faith Everywhere.
God is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty itself.
Wherever they are found, God is also present.

Finding Faith Everywhere.
God is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty itself.
Wherever they are found, God is also present.
Finding Faith Everywhere

Amy MacKinnon
Aug 1, 20247 min read
Angels and Humans: What Do We Know?
People don't think like angels, but some of the ways that ideas are taught don't take into account the way that we learn
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Amy MacKinnon
Apr 4, 20235 min read
Why is Lent Always 40 Days Long?
Why is Lent only 40 days instead of 46 days? If we counted all the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, there would be 46 days.
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Amy MacKinnon
May 17, 20224 min read
What is Wrong with Catholics Who Actually Read the Bible Literally?
Is there a way to read the Bible literally and still make sense of what's written in the scriptures?
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Amy MacKinnon
Oct 12, 20218 min read
How to Teach the Eucharist, Part 2: Sacred Tradition
How do you explain turning bread and wine into Jesus in the Eucharist so that it makes sense? Read this blog post to see how
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Amy MacKinnon
Aug 16, 20218 min read
How to Teach the Eucharist Part 1: The Bible
If you’ve ever tried to teach anyone about the Eucharist then you know that it can be difficult, especially the first time you teach it!
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Amy MacKinnon
Jul 5, 20205 min read
How Do You Teach Wonder?
I haven’t seen very many good explanations of what wonder actually is in the recent materials that I’ve read, which is really odd. Why would
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Amy MacKinnon
Jan 24, 202010 min read
Teaching Confession: We're Doing it Wrong
The problem isn’t with the sacrament itself; the problem is in how we teach it in the Catholic Church, and it is a very serious problem
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Amy MacKinnon
Jan 12, 20207 min read
How to Teach Baptism
What were the very last words spoken by Jesus to the Apostles? They were a command to baptize and teach. So how do you teach that?
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Amy MacKinnon
Jan 7, 20207 min read
How To Teach Grace
What is grace, how do you get it? There are different types of grace, so how do you teach someone about grace?
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Amy MacKinnon
Dec 30, 20197 min read
How to Teach the Sacraments
Why are the sacraments important? That’s always the first question to ask, especially when you’re teaching. So why are they?
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Amy MacKinnon
Dec 19, 20195 min read
Why Did Charles Dickens Write "A Christmas Carol?"
Why Did Dickens Name His Book “A Christmas Carol?” Is a story that takes place at Christmas enough to make the story Christian?
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Amy MacKinnon
Dec 13, 20194 min read
Why Do Catholic Churches Have So Many Images of Angels?
If you walk into a Catholic Church the chances are pretty good that you’re going to see a statue or image of at least one angel, but why?
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Amy MacKinnon
Oct 20, 20197 min read
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, and Christian Stories
A story that is about a practicing Christian who does nothing wrong is boring. So what makes a fictional story a good story?
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Amy MacKinnon
Oct 15, 20195 min read
What Did Paul Really Say About Women and Teaching?
From the earliest days of Christianity, women have been teaching the Faith. So is the Church itself rejecting the words of Paul?
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Amy MacKinnon
Oct 5, 20193 min read
Fairy Tales and Multiculturalism
Are fairy tales just stories for northern Europeans? Let's talk about the sources of many of these wonderful stories from other cultures
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Amy MacKinnon
Oct 3, 20195 min read
Harry Potter and Christianity
Doesn’t Harry get away with a lot of bad behavior, in addition to practicing magic? Are there really biblical references in Harry Potter?
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Amy MacKinnon
Sep 26, 20193 min read
Harry Potter and the Inklings
Why are the members of the Inklings widely accepted as Christian authors, when J.K. Rowling is so harshly criticized?
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Amy MacKinnon
Sep 25, 20193 min read
Jesus and Abraham
God promised that Abraham would be the father of a multitude of nations. How did Jesus fulfill that promise?
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Amy MacKinnon
Sep 20, 20193 min read
Narnia as a Fairy Tale
Which is better: Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, or the Chronicles of Narnia? Lord of the Rings is an epic Narnia is a fairy tale
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Amy MacKinnon
Sep 18, 20193 min read
Jesus and Melchizedek
God created three roles for those designated among His people to intercede between Him and His people: Priests, Prophets, and Kings
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